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Made for GoedWare GameJam #10, you play as a remote mech pilot with a malfunctioning control terminal. In this game, your player actions literally have consequences. The more often you press a key on the keyboard, the quicker it degrades and becomes unusable in the game.

When a key is lost, a new key is randomly assigned to its corresponding action. 

Press a new, unused key to reassign an action. 

Default Controls:

A - Left

D - Right

Space - Jump

F - Shoot

E - Melee

Enemies drop health, and key consumables that restore lost keys, enabling them to be used again. 


Luka Malone: Gameplay Programming, UI Art 

Alex Malone: Background Art, Environmental Art

Matija Čuljak: Level Design, Character Art, Music Composition, Audio Design


This game uses these sounds from freesound: "anime_mecha" by Syna-Max ( ) licensed under CCBYNC 4.0 "Plasma - Lazer Pistol Gun Shot 1" by uErokia ( ) licensed under CCBY 4.0 "compactor3" by PhreaKsAccount ( ) licensed under CCBY 3.0 "Throwing / Whip Effect" by denao270 ( ) licensed under CC0 "Cracking/Crunching, A" by InspectorJ ( ) licensed under CCBY 4.0 "object falls (5)" by FreqMan ( ) licensed under CCBY 4.0 All sounds have been edited and altered for use in this project. 

Trip 5 pixel font by Pixel Mush:


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I really like the idea of the keys decaying, its really original and unique. It's also hard, but not impossible. Great game.